Hormone therapy Cleveland Heights, OH - Horizon Hormone Therapy

Understanding Hormone Imbalances and Deficiency

Hormones regulate many critical bodily functions and a hormone imbalance or deficiency can result in undesirable symptoms. At Horizon Hormone Therapy, we specialize in identifying hormone imbalances through comprehensive lab testing and creating customized treatment plans using bioidentical hormones to help patients regain optimal health and vitality.

Common Causes of Hormonal Imbalances

There are several potential causes of hormone deficiencies and imbalances:

Our services

Signs and Symptoms of Hormone Imbalances

Some common signs and symptoms of a hormone imbalance include:

If experiencing any of these issues, it may be wise to get hormone levels tested to identify any deficiencies or imbalances. Horizon Hormone Therapy offers state-of-the art hormone testing services to accurately evaluate your hormone status.

Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) involves supplementing the body with plant-derived hormones that are molecularly identical to those naturally produced in the body. BHRT can provide profound benefits and relief from deficiency symptoms when administered properly under medical supervision.

BHRT for Women

For women, BHRT most commonly involves estrogen and/or progesterone. Benefits may include:

BHRT for Men

The most prominent hormone replaced in men is testosterone. Benefits of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) include:

Take control of your health, get tested!

How Hormone Replacement Therapy Works

There are several methods through which hormones can be administered as part of a customized treatment plan. The goal is to restore hormone levels to an optimal range to alleviate deficiency symptoms and promote better health.

At Horizon Hormone Therapy, our clinicians have extensive experience designing effective, evidence-based hormone replacement regimens tailored to each patient's unique needs. We utilize good medicine, proven science and natural solutions to improve vitality.

Methods of Replacement Therapy

Common methods of hormone delivery include:

Initial Testing and Screening

Prior to initiating any hormone replacement therapy, baseline blood tests will be ordered to evaluate current hormone status along with general health markers. Additional screening may include:

This information guides the development of an individualized treatment approach. Follow-up testing will be conducted throughout therapy to monitor progress and adjust protocols accordingly.

Horizon Hormone Therapy Specializing in Hormone Balance

Horizon Hormone Therapy provides comprehensive care focused on restoring and optimizing hormone balance for enhanced health, function and vitality.

Why Choose Horizon Hormone Therapy?

There are many reasons Cleveland Heights residents choose Horizon Hormone Therapy for their hormone replacement therapy needs:

Horizon Hormone Therapy strives to deliver the highest quality care rooted in scientifically-validated protocols designed to help you reclaim your vitality.

Areas of Expertise

Horizon Hormone Therapy offers cutting-edge testing and treatments related to:

Men’s Health: - Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) - Erectile Dysfunction - Infertility

Women’s Health: - Menopause symptom relief - Perimenopause care - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Wellness: - Thyroid disorders - Adrenal fatigue - Andropause/male menopause

Reach out today to learn more about our services or book your initial consultation!

Interesting fact

Hormone therapy can help transgender individuals align their physical characteristics with their gender identity. Studies show that access to gender-affirming care improves mental health outcomes and lowers suicidal ideation. Hormone therapy plays an important role in supporting transgender people during their transition.

Importance of Timely Hormone Deficiency Evaluation and Treatment

Given the far-reaching influence of hormones on multiple aspects of health, it is critical to address imbalances and deficiencies promptly through testing and evidence-based medical therapies.

Risks of Ignoring Symptoms

Allowing hormone abnormalities and related symptoms to persist long-term comes with considerable risks including:

Catching and resolving hormone deficiencies early is key to supporting positive physical and mental health trajectories as we age.

Take Control Now for Better Future Wellbeing

Identifying and rectifying hormone deficits through replacement regimens can help:

Regardless of age or stage of life, optimizing hormones pays dividends through enhanced vibrancy and quality of living. Take control now by seeking comprehensive hormone evaluations and personalized treatment plans.

TRT Therapy and Treatment Options at Horizon Hormone Therapy

Take control of your health, get tested!

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a medical treatment approach aimed at relieving the symptoms of hormone imbalance or deficiency. It works by supplementing the body with slight amounts of hormones to restore optimal levels needed for regulating essential bodily processes.

When normal hormone production declines or becomes irregular – often due to aging, menopause or health conditions – patients may experience undesirable symptoms that negatively impact quality of life. Providing supplemental hormone via patches, pellets, pills or creams can provide profound benefits.

What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)?

A type of hormone therapy used to raise testosterone levels in men back to normal healthy ranges when their natural production is inadequate. Symptoms like low energy, reduced muscle mass, depression and low libido may result when testosterone levels become too low.

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is an effective medical treatment that can dramatically alleviate symptoms and enhance wellbeing when testosterone is low without other underlying illness. It is prescribed for hypogonadal men unable to produce normal testosterone levels.

Prescription formulations like injectables, skin gels and patches can reliably restore testosterone deficiency. Monitoring and adjusting dosages preserves healthy testosterone levels long-term without toxicity.

When properly implemented and monitored, TRT provides a safe, natural means of restoring peak energy, sex drive and overall health.

Who is a Good Candidate for Testosterone Therapy?

Men exhibiting testosterone deficiency symptoms combined with abnormally low blood levels measured by reliable lab testing are prime candidates for TRT.

Common signs indicating testosterone therapy may be appropriate:

Additionally, healthy men aiming to optimize energy, strength and wellness in their upper years may consider TRT under medical supervision.

Horizon Hormone Therapy offers advanced testing to accurately measure testosterone levels and determine if hormone therapy could provide benefits.

Methods of Delivering Testosterone Therapy

If bloodwork confirms clinically low testosterone, Horizon Hormone Therapyians will discuss options best suited to the patient’s lifestyle and needs. Common TRT delivery methods include:

Testosterone injections - Administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously 1-2 times per week to achieve consistent testosterone elevation. Allows precise dosage adjustments.

Transdermal testosterone gels/creams - Topicals applied daily to upper arms, shoulders and abdomen for full-body absorption. Easy to administer and adjust.

Sublingual tablets - Dissolve under the tongue for rapid transmucosal uptake. Short-acting for fast effect.

Testosterone pellets - Tiny implants inserted under the skin steadily release hormones over 3-6 months. Convenient long-acting option.

Horizon Hormone Therapyians advise patients on the advantages and considerations of each method to optimize treatment. Follow-up blood testing ensures suitable dosing.

What to Expect When Starting TRT

When beginning testosterone replacement, it generally takes around 4-6 weeks to notice initial benefits as levels build up, eventually reaching optimal values around 3 months. Patience is key when initiating therapy.

Over the first months, patients can expect improvements including:

Follow-up blood tests will measure progress and allow dosage adjustments if needed. Once properly stabilized, patients often appreciate benefits of treatment for years to come under clinician guidance.

Horizon Hormone Therapy Provides Personalized Care

We recognize bioidentical hormone replacement can provide tremendous quality of life improvements when correctly implemented per the unique needs of each patient. Horizon Hormone Therapy’ clinicians have specialized expertise in TRT and other hormone therapies to guide you expertly through the process.

We take time to understand your health background, lifestyle factors and treatment goals when designing therapy protocols to ensure safety, effectiveness and reliable outcomes. Routine follow-ups safeguard ongoing progress and longevity of benefits.

With Horizon Hormone Therapy's individualized clinical support, the advantages of balanced, youthful hormone levels are well within reach!

Lifestyle Recommendations for Enhancing Therapy Success

While bioidentical hormone therapy provides enormous benefits restoring vigor and wellness, adopting certain positive lifestyle measures can enhance the magnitude and longevity of improvements.


Following nutrition geared toward hormone optimization aids therapy results. We recommend a Mediterranean style diet rich in produce, fiber, plant fats and lean proteins. Avoid excess sugars that provoke inflammation along with bad fats that can negatively impact hormones. Limit alcohol which can impede therapy benefits. Stay well hydrated with quality fluids.


Certain supplements including antioxidants, adaptogens and omega-3’s promote healthy hormone activity and production. Our clinicians may suggest supplements supporting improved therapy response.


Engaging regular exercise enables the best hormonal environment, circulation and body composition improvements from therapy. Aim for 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic activities along with some strength training which boosts metabolic processes. Even light walking benefits.

Stress Management

High continuous stress boosts inflammatory and anxious hormones like cortisol that counteract therapy hormones. Relaxation practices like yoga, deep breathing, meditation, enjoyable hobbies and social connections lower bad hormones for better overall hormone function and receptor sensitivity enhancement.

Quality Sleep

Hormones controlling sleep and waking cycles heavily influence the activity of treatment hormones and related cellular processes. Stick to regular bed/wake times and make your bedroom cool, dark and gadget-free to support quality sleep critical for optimal wellness.

Adopting healthy lifestyle modifications amplifies and sustains the exciting benefits and wellness transformation possible with properly managed bioidentical hormone therapy!

Local Support for Your Health Goals

Horizon Hormone Therapy partners with high quality local businesses that offer helpful services supportive of your therapy and wellness aims including:

Summit Labs - Providing accurate () is critical for properly diagnosing and managing treatment. This leading laboratory offers convenient testing options with rapid results.

Uptown Yoga Studio - This popular neighborhood studio offers varied styles of () helping lower stress and gain strength and flexibility aiding therapy.

The Green Bean Cafe - For great tasting () on-the-go that nourish body and soul while supporting your fitness regimen.

Applewood Retirement Community - Those seeking () find an active, social environment with amenities for therapy success in Cleveland Heights.

Horizon Hormone Therapy encourages engaging local businesses assisting your care plan. Let our compassionate, knowledgeable clinicians guide you toward revitalized zest for living!

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